Monday, October 26, 2009

My boys

are I just need to decide which picture for the Christmas cards...

I want to blow one up for my house.
Huge. like 20x30ish.
One for Christmas cards and the other is already printed, just smallish...
What do you think?

Friday, October 16, 2009

In case you didn't know

I am 'teaching' (I use this term ever so loosely as I really am learning) a photography class. Now, I consider myself a good photographer.
I do.
I am.
I get it.
Composition, personality...the whole deal.
I just have never been comfortable with taking my camera off auto :)
I am slowly but surely getting to that point.
I have had my current camera for over six months.
I did not know that I have options for taking in, I can shoot black and white instead of color.
How cool is that?
The things you find out when someone asks what all your camera 'does.'
This here is one of those shots...
This is what it looks like in my house when Q has the flu.
He and I lying in bed.
All day.
Watching PBS.
All day.
Sometimes he falls asleep and I play with camera settings and then sneak out.

and this one...

Which is what happens when he is mad at me for not letting him make funny faces.

I kind of actually like it.
And it's of me.
And, I didn't ahve to do anything to it to make it black and white.
Sooc...except for the cropping.
Cool, eh?
And yes, I will do sittings.
I am working all that stuff up in my tiny little brain.
Why not do something I love, make a lasting memory for someone and make some money at it?
I will have a few oh so funny shots of my boys tomorrow...
yes, you may laugh.
And one of them, literally took my breath away.
I think it's the 'card' shot :)
And you KNOW how hard those are to get!

Monday, October 12, 2009


I do have things to say and pictures to post...
however, we are currently trying to dig out of our basement and get rid of a bunch of 'stuff'' without neglecting the kids or the upstairs.
We aren't sure how it's working but hopefully soon I will get this done and you will find out!
For now I will add a couple of pictures of projects that I have done in the past couple of weeks.