Monday, July 21, 2008

Mamma Mia

LOVED it. But, I loved the play in Vegas as well...if you don't love Abba, you may not love this movie.
I do love Abba and well, Jeff took the boys camping so aside from taking everything out of the house and starting the whole decor thing over, what was I to do? It's totally campy, Pierce Brosnan will never be known for his singing voice, but it is totally enjoyable. Risque, but that cracked me up...and is not really appropriate for anyone you don't want to explain sex to :) And Mrs. Weasley/Mrs. Austen is one of the characters. How cool is that. :)
I will most certainly put this on my Christmas list.
PS. 11 days until Breaking me if you are interested in joining our little group of scrappers/avid Twilighters for info on a crop and book party August 1. Thanks, Lori for the suggestion!
PPS. Totally rocking out to the soundtrack right now! Jeff is going to LOVE me for the next couple of weeks. :)


Desi said...

Ken took me to the musical a few of year ago for my birthday and I LOVED it! I haven't been too excited for the movie because I figured it couldn't be as good, but I might have to go see it now on your recommendation :)

JulieJ said...

I didn't know that was Mrs. Weasley! She looked so different!
Keep me posted on your Twilight night and I will think about it.