you all may now break out into Abba song...
So I am a dork and really like Abba.
I saw Mamma Mia with a couple of really good friends after I saw the performance in Vegas with my sister.
My kids sing Dancing Queen.
And Mamma Mia...
It especially cracks me up when it is Q singing :)
So I really didn't plan to blog on Abba love today.
I have a proposition...
No, not that kind.
How about this:
Every week, Sunday night or Monday morning...or maybe late Saturday (who knows...) I will put up my weekly menu. If you are interested you may copy it for your menu.
HOWEVER, I have another plan (dream, if you will) that would be REALLY cool. I will put a weekly menu up, and several of you can put a weekly menu up and we can all copy and get a whole month of weekly menus at once. So simple!
If you are interested, leave a comment and if yo uare a private blogger and haven't invited me (shame on you! you really should invite me, I do leave comments sometimes) you can just email me yours and I will post it on mine and we can all linky here.
Does that sound fun?
Also, I am working on my cleaning schedule.
Monday and Thursday I will do the bathrooms. They do in fact take all day. Four boys, remember?
Tuesday and Friday I will do laundry...unless it is bed linens and those can be whenever...or garments. Why do I run out of those buggers? It's not like I don't have a gazillion.
Sunday I will cook a meal :)
Saturday I will go to football games.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I will go to baseball games. Starting Monday. Pray for no wind. I hate baseball in the wind.
I will vacuum Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday if the home teachers are coming over ;)
Dishes will be done by someone everyday.
If they are big dishes it will be me because everyone else is a fink and gets out of it. Mostly because I have a lot of stoneware and don't want it borken. Broken, even.
I also should exercise.
This 45+ isn't coming off on my wishes, dadgumit.
And maybe keep a notebook of all of the crap I eat.
Baseball is notorious for me eating crap foods.
Any sundry jobs such as wall washing or baseboard cleaning or cabinet scrubbing can be done on Saturdays when I want to torure my kids...or they can be punishment! HA :)
Am I forgetting anything?